Breathe, you are in a safe space.
People across the country experience mental health issues and thoughts about suicide.
We are all fighting battles together. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, click here:
The Emotional Health for all Foundation is a coalition between different industry leaders founded with a single premise, the belief that emotional health is for each and every person.
EHFA is equipped with expertise in research innovation, strategic implementation, and a mission to reach each and every person.
- Tasked with leading Indonesia’s first Suicide Prevention Strategy with Ministry of Health and WHO
- Publishing Indonesia Mental Health First Aid Booklet with Kompas Gramedia
- Developing Indonesia’s first Mental Health chatbot with
- Chief Scientist is one of 5 people trained in the region for in-depth suicide prevention lived experience collaboration (Collaborative Pairs by the Kings Fund)
- Awarded the (Suicide) Lived Experience Research Medal for excellence in research
- Involved in science development with LIPI BRIN, and published in Nature on the topic (science’s leading journal)
- Covered in outlets such as Forbes Magazine, Kompas and Jakarta Post